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Parish newsletter, 17 July 2022

Saturday PMB Page 111 (year C volume2)

6.30: Rev Francis Capener Rec Dec

Sunday 16" of Year

8.30am: Parish

10 am: Valerie Ellison RIP

11.30am: Marta Int

Monday No Mass


10 am: Special Int

Wednesday St John Plessington

9.00 am : Exposition

10 am: Sheila Green (RIP)

Thursday St Lawrence of Brindisi

10am: PB spec int.

Friday St Mary Magdelene

6.30pm Exposition

7.30pm: Peace in Ukraine


6.30: Louise Burger Rec Dec

Sunday 17' Sunday of the Year PMB 114

8.30am: Parish

10am: Rev Francis Capener (Rec Dec)

11.30am: Maria RIP

Metropolitan Anthony says that one of the first people who came to him for advice when he was ordained was an old lady who said, "Father, I have been praying almost unceasingly for 14 years, and I have never had any sense of God's presence", "Did you give God a chance to put in a word?" he asked. "Oh well, she said, no, I have been talking to him all this time. Is that not what prayer is for? I don't think so, he said. "Now what I suggest is that you should set apart 15 minutes a day, and just sit before the face of God." And so she did. With what result? Ouite soon she came to him and said, "It's extraordinary. When I pray to God in other words, when I talk to him I feel nothing. But when I sit quietly, face to face with God, I feel wrapped in his presence." Ultimately, prayer is not about words but about communion with God. Prayer is a resting in the presence of God. It's more a question of staying quiet in his presence than of saying prayers.

Ukraine- What is needed? Sleeping bags, power banks, jogging bottoms for men, energy bars, bikes much needed, men's clothing generally. There are families looking for accommodation in our area. Can anybody help? In particular there is a mother with four small children and nowhere to go.

The war in Ukraine has created internally displaced families from Mariupol and Kharkiv, who are now in Cherksay Oblast, settling into the start of the new academic year. 46 girls and 26 boys between 6 and 17 years of age. They need equipment and clothing rucksacks, stationery, winter jackets, trainers, hoodies, tracksuits, jumpers. PLEASE SEE POSTERS.

Food Shortage. Some of the mothers who have settled here with their children are finding it very hard to buy enough food to feed their children, especially teenage boys. Can we help?

Ukranian refugees in our midst are having to learn English and I am hoping that we can find some volunteers from amongst our parishioners

Cafod Summer Campaign. The current global food system is not working but as Pope Francis said, "Each of us has a role to play in transforming food systems for the benefit of people and the planet." For more information visit

Too Good to Go App is a free app which allows you to purchase and collect at a great price, unsold food from shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels to prevent it from being thrown away. It is called a magic bag. You won't know what is in your bag until you collect it. Food waste is a worldwide issue and each year more than one third of food produced in the world goes to waste.

Purley Food Hub - needs tinned chicken/ham, tinned hotdogs/meatballs, small/medium tins of potatoes, jars of fish paste, small bottles of squash, tinned desert fruit, packets of dried instant custard, packets of sweet potatoes, unisex deodorant and unisex shower gel.

Thank you for your generosity.

Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage - 19-26 August resumes after 2 years absence. Details available.

Gardening Group will meet again on Saturday 23rd July 10-2. Come when you wish and leave when you must. If interested to join please contact: Peter Elfer 07955196539. Denise Miller 07747691826 or Mary Piper 07884333612.

Lord, I place myself in your presence. After the strain and turmoil of the day I rest quietly here, like a little boat that has been tossed by the waves and buffeted by the wind, rests secure in a sheltered harbour. Here my projects lose their power over me. A healing process begins. My fragmented self is re-assembled, and I am made whole again.

Martha, Martha Lord Jesus. like Martha we are anxious and worried about many things, whereas only one thing is essential. Help us to set our hearts on God and on his righteousness, and we will enjoy the peace and unity of your kingdom, where you live for ever and ever.

PS Martha is the patron saint of waiters and waitresses. I used to work in Harrods's Tea Room

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